Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.
Mission Possible World Health International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
Telephone: 770-242-2599
E-Mail: BettyM19@mindspring.com

Posted: 19 May 2009

The FDA receives over 50% of its funds from the pharmaceutical industry. It's their Washington Branch Office. Until the day an FDA Commissioner bans aspartame you know the only thing you will get from FDA is loyalty to industry and betrayal of the public trust.

While the FDA is known to persecute and intimidate the natural health industry, they serve above the law. The must, for instance, by law answer a petition to ban in 180 days. The petition I sent them is 7 years old come June. An imminent health hazard petition must be answered in a week or ten days. That amendment is over a year old. They ignore it.

They even banned Ephedra when a athlete no doubt died from the aspartame he was using. http://www.wnho.net/ephedrastory.htm The renowned neuroscientist Dr. John Olney reviewed FDA's records and found Ephedra to be safe, yet the FDA refused to put it back on the market. Showing you they know ephedra is safe they allow it in drugs for the industry they protect but not to the health food industry. So their industry influence is proven even in this instance.

Read on for Dr. Briffa's excellent article and pass it around the world!


More information on aspartame on http://www.mpwhi.com, http://www.dorway.com and http://www.wnho.net

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.
Founder, Mission Possible World Health International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
E-Mail: BettyM19@mindspring.com

Aspartame Toxicity Center: http://www.holisticmed.com/aspartame