Compiled By Rich Murray, MA
Room For All
1943 Otowi Road
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Posted: 01 February 2011

Paris aspartame conference 16 p in French 2011.01.21: Rich Murray 2011.01.22
Saturday, January 22, 2011
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16 p in French 2011.01.21

Pauline Berthellemy
06 11 41 13 54

Soleane Duplan
06 70 07 84 87
09 54 05 24 11
Dr. Laurent Chevallier
04 67 02 49 04
Clinique du Parc
Chemin des Guilhems
34171 Castelnau Le Lez
Paris, FR
Andre Ciolella

Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2006 Sep;1076:784-9.
Glycol ethers: a ubiquitous family of toxic chemicals: a plea for REACH regulation.
Cicolella A.
Health Risk Assessment Unit
National Institute of Risks and Industrial Environment, INERIS
BP N 2, 60550 Verneuil-en-Halatte, France


Glycol ethers (GE) are chemicals used since the 1930s as solvents in paints, inks, varnishes, and cleaning agents, mainly in water-based products, cosmetics, and drugs. World production approximates 1 million tons. Nineteen GE are produced or imported each year; over 1000 tons in European Union (EU) have been classified as high production volume chemicals (HPVCs). First animal data were published in 1971 and 1979 showing severe reprotoxicity for some GE.

Two alerts were launched in the United States in 1982 and 1983, but the first partial GE regulation only occurred in 1993 in the EU. Although these chemicals may expose a very large population, basic toxicity data, more especially carcinogenicity, are still lacking (3/32 GE).

However, experimental data were sufficient to lead developmental toxicity risk assessment since the early 1980s. Risk indices over 1000 have been calculated for consumers and workers exposed to reprotoxic GE in domestic and industrial activities. The first ban was decided in 1999 in France, but was only for drugs and cosmetics.

Not surprisingly, since the late 1980s, human studies have found results similar to those in animal data: spontaneous abortions, malformations, testicular toxicity, and hematotoxicity. Despite this highly coherent set of data, and although substitution products are available, reprotoxic GE have been and still remain widely used in the world. PMID: 17119255

Pierre Meneton

Physiol Rev. 2005 Apr;85(2):679-715.
Links between dietary salt intake, renal salt handling, blood pressure, and cardiovascular diseases.
Meneton P, Jeunemaitre X, de Wardener HE, MacGregor GA.
Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale U367,
Département de Santé Publique et d'Informatique Médicale,
Faculté de Médecine Broussais Hôtel Dieu, Paris, France


Epidemiological, migration, intervention, and genetic studies in humans and animals provide very strong evidence of a causal link between high salt intake and high blood pressure. The mechanisms by which dietary salt increases arterial pressure are not fully understood, but they seem related to the inability of the kidneys to excrete large amounts of salt.

From an evolutionary viewpoint, the human species is adapted to ingest and excrete <1 g of salt per day, at least 10 times less than the average values currently observed in industrialized and urbanized countries.

Independent of the rise in blood pressure, dietary salt also increases cardiac left ventricular mass, arterial thickness and stiffness, the incidence of strokes, and the severity of cardiac failure.

Thus chronic exposure to a high-salt diet appears to be a major factor involved in the frequent occurrence of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases in human populations.
PMID: 1578870
Francois Veillerette
Nadine Lauverjat
News video in French 2010.03.14 4:20 19.72 MB

Claude Rene Lambre
+33 1 40 56 79 29

Andre Aschieri

Woodrow Monte,,,,,,,,,


RE: GC Ebers study, females harmed more by body making methanol into formaldehyde in brain via ADH enzyme: 589 references, WC Monte, retired Prof. Nutrition: Rich Murray 2011.01.08
Saturday, January 8, 2011
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Woodrow C Monte, PhD, Emiritus Prof. Nutrition gives many PDFs of reseach -- methanol (11% of aspartame) puts formaldehyde into brain and body -- multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, cancers, birth defects, headaches: Rich Murray 2010.05.13
Thursday, May 13, 2010

[Other formaldehyde sources include alcohol drinks and tobacco and wood smoke, while adequate folic acid levels protect most people.]
589 references, many abstracts and full texts

Methanol: Where Is It Found? How Can It Be Avoided?

AVOID the following, ranked in order of greatest danger:

  1. Cigarettes.
  2. Diet foods and drinks with aspartame.
  3. Fruit and vegetable products and their juices in bottles, cans, or pouches.
  4. Jellies, jams, and marmalades not made fresh and kept refrigerated.
  5. Black currant and tomato juice products, fresh or processed.
  6. Tomato sauces, unless first simmered at least 3 hours with an open lid.
  7. Smoked food of any kind, particularly fish and meat.
  8. Sugar-free chewing gum.
  9. Slivovitz: You can consume one alcoholic drink a day on this diet -- no more! [no fruit brandies]
  10. Overly ripe or near rotting fruits or vegetables.

Selection from Article 2, Fitness Life, December 2007, andwell discussed in the DVD video: "Identical Symptoms of MS, Methanol Poisoning and Aspartame Toxicity"

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis (44, 83, 85, 169), chronic and acute methanol poisoning (13, 144, 189), and Aspartame toxicity (54, 58, 93, 181), are in all ways identical.

There is nothing that happens to the human body from the toxic effect of methanol that has not been expressed during the course of MS... nothing (143, 144).

This generalization extends even to the remarkable opthomological conditions common to both: transitory optic neuritis and retrolaminar demyelinating optic neuropathy with scotoma of the central visual field (which occasionally manifests as unilateral temporary blindness (85, 138, 163). In fact, these opthomological symptoms have been thought of for years in their respective literatures to be "tell tale" indications for the differential diagnosis for each of these maladies independently (85, 138, 148, 163, 169). The common symptoms of
headache (13, 83, 181, 189),
nervousness (13, 83, 181),
depression (58, 83, 189, 181),
memory loss (18, 147, 85, 169, 181),
tingling sensations (13, 85, 168, 138, 169),
pain in the extremities (13, 85, 169),
optic neuritis (85, 138, 148, 163, 169),
bright lights in the visual field (139, 83),
seizures (21, 83, 160),
inability to urinate or to keep from urinating (139, 146, 167)
are all shared by each of these conditions and shared yet again by complaints from aspartame poisoning (54, 58, 93, 181).

I take these strikingly similar symptom patterns as evidence that these disorders act on identical components of the central nervous system and in the same way.

The "Miracle" that MS shares with Methanol poisoning

In the early stages of MS, or when a non-lethal dose of methanol has been administered, complete recovery is a possibility.

The only two afflictions for which such dramatic "remissions" are reported from identical neuromuscular and opthomological damage, even "blindness" is relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (85) and methyl alcohol poisoning (138, 163).

The pathology of the two maladies is in may ways identical, particularly when it comes to destruction of the myelin sheath with no harm to the axon itself (18, 148, 176).

Sex Ratios for MS and Aspartame Reactions

Women bear the brunt of multiple sclerosis (91a-c) and lupus (SLE)(73) with fully three-fold representations in infliction numbers over men for both diseases.

This is exactly the proportion represented by adverse reactors to Aspartame reported by the US Center for Disease Control in their study of 1984 (58).

The Center found three women to every man whose Aspartame consumption complaints were serious enough to warrant investigation (93).

Although the female/male ratio for those stricken with MS has always been high, recent estimates place it at over 3 to 1 (91, 91a, 91c).

What might account for the difference across sexes in incidence?

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (94) reports biopsies of the gastric lining of men and women.

A result was that the concentration of ADH in the gastric lining of men was much higher than for woman.

Men have the advantage of removing methanol from the bloodstream four times faster on an equal-body-size basis than women.

Thus, for men, methanol is more likely to be removed from the blood before it reaches the brain.

The brain is spared but the methanol removed would still be metabolized to formaldehyde in the gut where it would reap its havoc on a more forgiving organ.

This may help explain why men have more gastrointestinal complaints from both methanol and Aspartame consumption (93, 99).

On the other hand, women's complaints from both more frequently involve serious neurological complications."...


Methanol (11% of aspartame), made by body into formaldehyde in many vulnerable tissues, causes modern diseases of civilization, summary of a century of research, Woodrow C Monte PhD, Medical Hypotheses journal: Rich Murray 2009.11.15
Sunday, November 15, 2009
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Formaldehyde from 0.2 mg daily methanol from aspartame in Singulair (montelukast) chewable asthma medicine causes severe allergic dermatitis in boy, SE Jacob et al, Pediatric Dermatology 2009 Nov: Rich Murray 2010.09.27
Monday, September 27, 2010
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Rich Murray, MA
Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology
BS MIT 1964, history and physics
1943 Otowi Road
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
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