Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.
Mission Possible World Health International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
Telephone: 770-242-2599

Posted: 21 August 2008

From: Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.,
Date: Thu, Aug 21, 2008 3:38 pm
Subject: Your e-mail of 11 July 2008. - Food Standards in England continues to lie

Dear Ms. Dixon,

I have received more emails from victims who wrote Donna Griffin Sackey and she continues to tell them aspartame is safe. The FDA never said it was safe, they revoked the petition for approval and tried to have the company indicted until Don Rumsfeld used his political chicanery to get it on the market.

Your web site has not changed since I began writing. It has all the stumbling industry propaganda. You haven't changed one little thing, yet you have full knowledge. It means these letters are nothing more than excuses. When you do something your web site will change.

Yes, you absolutely have relations with industry. The Trocho Study is one of the most damning studies ever done showing the formaldehyde from the free methyl alcohol embalms living tissue and damages DNA. What does Food Standards do instead of telling the world this is unacceptable - you use a flack, Tepley, to rebut it with incorrect information and I have given you the information in the past. Why are flack rebuttals on your web site if you're not in collusion with industry? What did you put them there for in the first place? Consumers send me your letters of propaganda everyday saying aspartame is safe when that propaganda has been answered over and over and over and over again. I've sent it to you several times.

When is the web site going to change to show the truth instead of propaganda. When are you going to stop telling people aspartame is safe when its not? The EFSA admitted they were pressured by industry to highjack science. Yet you use them to say the Ramazzini Study is safe when they only made a fool of themselves by saying the rats had respiratory disease. Dr. Soffritti told him respiratory disease is the dying process. People laughed at the EFSA all over the world, so they confessed. But Food Standards still gives people the propaganda and not to worry about the Ramazzini study. It was one of the most prestigious studies ever done and peer reviewed by 7 world experts proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that aspartame is multipotentian carcinogen and against the law. It confirms the FDA's own original findings. Then Dr. Soffritti did another study which showed it just a takes a small amount of aspartame to cause cancer and it's passed on through the mother to the child. Yet Food Standards just looks the other way and tells consumer it doesn't cause cancer when FDA said it did more than a quarter of a century ago.

Yet you don't chance your web site, that's why people are writing you. After a quarter century and 92% or more of all scientific peer reviewed studies showing its deadliness here is Food Standards filling their web site with propaganda showing they link is with aspartame manufacturers and lying to consumers.

Who cares about your anecdotal study. I've taken over the years probably 50,000 cases as others have. The FDA was so over-whelmed with complaints it was admitted in Congress they were sending the victims to the AIDS Hotline to get rid of them. Everybody knows its poison. 47 members of Parliament have asked for a ban. People around the world are working on bans. Originally Parliament had a big blowout when Paul Turner approved it without anyone knowing and the Guardian wrote the article.

As study after study shows it's deadly here comes the manufacturers with flacks to rebut and lies, and Food Standards uses these on its web site.

Jesus said "By their fruits you will know them." So people can say anything they want, but its what they do that gives you knowledge of who they are. As it is, Food Standards, your web sites could easily be on the web site of the manufacturer, as it contains the same propaganda.

Letter after letter says the opposite of what Food Standards does. Ban the poison, don't defend it. Right now I look at your web site and it's nothing but rotten fruit and needs to be cleaned. How many times do I have to tell you? I haven't seen you make the first change in your web site, and I haven't seen you stop telling consumers propaganda. That's makes Food Standards look pretty bad. A lot of people are waiting for a letter from Food Standards that simply doesn't lie to them about aspartame. So am I. They are furious with you, and they send me a copy with the same propaganda you have been using for years.

Efforts around the world are trying to get this poison banned why Food Standards tries to convince the consumer this addictive excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug is safe for them to consume. That's doesn't say much for Food Standards. I'm waiting for you to make changes and you haven't. Read the congressional records on the banners on Read the medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, by world expert H. J. Roberts, M.D., 1000 pages of diseases triggered by deadly aspartame. Read Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, MD, See how it destroys the brain. Here are the facts. On your web site you find aspartame manufacturers lies making the public believe you're on their side instead of the consumers, because if you were on the consumer side you would tell the truth. When are we going to see it, it would be quite refreshing for a change. Do you realize aspartame interacts with virtually all drugs and vaccines so anyone using it is in danger if they are even prescribed a drug? Please use some logic. See the aspartame documentary, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, and listen to the experts. For shame you would put up a propaganda web site to stumble people in the UK.

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.
Founder, Mission Possible World Health International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097

Aspartame Toxicity Center:

At 03:51 AM 8/21/2008, wrote:

Dear Dr Martini,

Thank you for your email of 30 July regarding aspartame to Dr Johnson. I am replying as Donna is currently on leave. In your email you stated two questions have not been answered by Donna. These were the perceived pro-industry information on our website and the review of independent research on aspartame. I understand that Donna's email of 30th July covered your first point. With regards to your second point we have asked our toxicologists to review the information you have provided. This will take a while to study and there will be a delay in provided a full response.

Kind regards,


Forwarded by Stephen Johnson/AVH/FSA on 31/07/2008 09:46

Subject: Re: Your e-mail of 11 July 2008

Dear Dr. Johnson,

I don't use offensive language but I keep asking Ms. Griffith-Sackey to answer the questions I've posted and she does not. The petition for aspartame approval was revoked in l980 by the FDA: Dr. John Olney wrote a 49 page report on how aspartame would destroy the brains of our children and the FDA agreed: The revoked petition would have been signed into law immediately had Searle not sued the next day. President Reagan owed Don Rumsfeld a favor (he was CEO of Searle at the time) because he had told him he would nominate him for Vice President. Rumsfeld said he would call in his markers and get aspartame approved.

Here it is in the UPI Investigation and it's also in the Congressional record on Reagan appointed Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes as FDA Commissioner to overrule the Board of Inquiry. The current FDA Commissioner was called at 3:00 AM in the morning by his transition team and fired. Here is the letter from his wife affirming this.

Dr. Hayes over-ruled the Board of Inquiry and then went to work for the PR Agency of the manufacturer at $1000.00 a day on a ten year contract. What a reward. Three Congressional hearings followed with scientists very upset about the people being poisoned. Senator Metzenbaum had a bill that would put a moratorium on aspartame and have NIH do independent studies of the problems they were seeing from aspartame in the population like what it does to the fetus, seizures, drug interaction and behavioral problems in children. It never got out of committee because Monsanto had bought Searle and money was paid to Senator Orrin Hatch and others.

In l986 the Community Nutrition Institute petitioned the FDA to ban aspartame because so many people were going blind and having seizures. The power of industry prevailed. And now they are putting aspartame in anti-seizure medication so people will have more seizures. See new study:

It would have been very difficult to get aspartame approved in the UK if they found out the FDA had asked for their indictment for fraud. Both US Prosecutors hired on with the defense team and the statute of limitations expired. Then FDA revoked the petition for approval. So aspartame was approved in the UK through a business deal with Paul Turner of the agency then. Congress had a big blowout but they did not rescind the order. The story was in the Guardian. No studies were ever done in the UK. 47 Members of Parliament have signed for a ban. In the US 12 toxicologists have asked the FDA to ban aspartame. My problem with Mrs. Griffith-Sackey is she refuses to answer the questions, specifically why you use industry propaganda on your web site. I've sent it all rebutted.

Also, why they don't accept independent scientific peer reviewed research unless they use a flack to rebut it. These questions have never been answered. I find it offensive that an agency like Food Standards refuses to answer questions. She will only write back and say Food Standards is going to do a study.

Okay, that's fine. She doesn't accept the other over 100 scientific peer reviewed studies that show toxicity. But what about answering my questions that she ignores. I've proven to her all the propaganda is just that by sending her the rebuttal with medical references. Food Standards was set up specifically to keep a distance from industry. There is no revolving door at Food Standards. You have a swivel chair where both agree and add that agreement even though wrong to your web site. Then if you're asked about it, you ignore the questions. What kind of agency will deliberately not answer specific questions? If I wrote you and asked you the price of dog food and you wrote me back with the price of umbrellas it wouldn't be satisfactory. Well I have written and asked specific questions to be answered and instead she writes back about dong a study. I never get answers to what I ask. That, Mr. Johnson, is very offensive. I just wrote her again because she did it again. When people wont' answer questions its because they can't without admitting your right, so they dodge the issue completely. You don't really think you could have a poison on the market for over a quarter of a century without knowing it, do you? Please don't insult my intelligence. I have all the records - all of them!

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.
Founder, Mission Possible World Health International
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097

Aspartame Toxicity Center:

Notice: Lying Again! -- Aspartame cannot be safely used in food and drink!!! It's only been proven over and over again in the last quarter of a century - its just poison.

At 07:11 AM 7/30/2008, wrote:

Dear Dr Martini

Ms Griffith-Sackey forwarded to me your e-mail of 11 July 2008 06.26.

The UK Food Standards Agency considers that aspartame can be safely used in food and drink. It is fine if you take a different view.